Girls, Lets Chat is an organization bringing together girls who are passionate about STEM. Read the interview below!

Tell us all about you and your organization!
Hi! My name is Alisha Sharma and I am the founder of Girls, Lets Chat. I am a rising sophomore in high school, from Texas, & I am very passionate about helping others and advocating for girls in STEM. This summer I was a Kode With Klossy scholar, and for the first time I was in a community with other girls who were interested in computer science like I was, and it was the best feeling ever! This is why I created Girls, Lets Chat, to build an encouraging and supporting community of girls and minorities who are interested in STEM and to share inspiring stories about female changemakers so that girls feel inspired like I was when I heard the stories. Girls, Lets Chat. is a youth-led organization empowering and inspiring girls and minorities in STEM, through blogs, podcasts, and more!
Why do you think it’s important for your generation to let their voices be heard?
It's important for our generation's voice to be heard because we offer new perspectives and we speak up for what we believe in. Gen Z has spoken out time and time again about their ideas and is striving to create a change. The world has already changed so much because of our generation's ideas, and if more voices were heard, we would make an even bigger impact!
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future?
I am very optimistic about the future! It's been wonderful to see all the amazing events and movements that have occurred recently, and how gen z and the other generations are advocating and amplifying their voices for a change.
What are the most important issues facing our world right now? And in the future?
Some of the most important issues right now are climate change, racism, deforestation, and animal extinction, but there are so many more. I believe that we should act now, to create a change.
What does your organization offer that helps the world be a better place?
Girls, Lets Chat is working on creating blogs and podcasts featuring stories about girls and women in STEM, their obstacles, and how they faced those obstacles. We are also building an encouraging community of girls who are interested in STEM; where they can get to know one another and feel supported by their peers.
Will you be voting in the next election?
I am 15 years old so I will not be voting in the next election but I have been encouraging all of my friends and family that are 18 or over to vote.
Please tell us all about your current campaigns, projects and endeavors.
As of now, Girls, Lets Chat is currently working on blogs and podcasts to share stories about girls in STEM but in the future, I plan on also hosting virtual workshops and panels. Besides Girls, Lets Chat, I am personally working on hosting workshops to spark interest in coding for students in elementary school and I have attended a few virtual hackathons. Our Instagram is @ggirlsletschat and our email is
If there is anything else you would like to say, please do!
Our general member applications are always available so if you would like to join Girls, Lets Chat. please apply! If you would like to do a partnership or have any inquiries please email us!