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Self Expression


Building the next generation of female leaders


A space for first-gen children and immigrants to love, heal, feel, and simply be.


empowering youths to overcome their fear in public speaking and discover their voice


Dedicating to helping and inspiring youths to share their creativity!


WeUnite is a student-led platform dedicated to raise awareness on social issues!


A youth-run organization giving teens the outlet to creatively express their mental health journeys.


Empowering youth in the journey of their self-discovery.


Young Voices for Change is an online publication and activist group created entirely by youth and for youth. Our mission is to give students the opportunity to raise their voices, highlighting young writers and our different perspectives on current events and social issues.


501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization Building a virtual platform, #CollectiveByArtivist, to amplify the voices of activist artists.


Stand up for inequalities and social change in society. Completely youth oriented, we recruit youth volunteers, youth speakers, and youth digital marketers to run our group. We hope to publicize and bring attention to young people’s voices and stories.


We are a community of young activists committed to having honest conversations about activism! We would love for you to join us!


one generation, one story at a time


Creating An Impact With Content That Interests, Inspires And Voices Generation Z


The big sister you wish you had!


Here at The Passion Project, we’re committed to supporting each individual's passions. We bring K-12 students from all around the globe together to share their passions!


We inspire youth to participate in democracy through documentary filmmaking.


The Peahce Project is a digital media platform created by seventeen-year-old Arden Yum to share the so often untold, underrepresented stories, art, and writing of Asian voices from all over the world. We explore topics of race, culture, identity, art, activism, and education, among others.

To submit an organization to be added to this database, head over to SUBMIT

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